Holy Pyramids, Batman. Those ancient dudes must have known something!!
his book The Orion Mystery Robert Bauval makes a number of
good arguments that the Giza Pyramids were somehow connected to Orion.
The three stars in Orion's belt perfectly match the alignment of the Pyramids
and a number of other construction aspects of the Pyramids show the builders
felt Orion was very important. Comet Hale-Bopp will track across Orion
during a time when it will be very bright in skies over all of the northern
hemisphere. Here's a comparison of the Giza Pyramids and a picture of the
three main stars in Orion's belt. In the summer of 1997, a still brilliant
Hale-Bopp is predicted to track through Orion just above these three stars.
NASA and Orion
there a connection between NASA, Giza and Orion? Well, check out this original
Apollo program patch. They even got the three belt stars offset just right!
Is it just a coincidence that during the Apollo program the control center
for the space program was moved to near Houston? Both the Johnson Space
Center in Houston (actually outside Houston in Clear Lake, Texas) and the
Giza Pyramids are nearly on the same line of latitude - 30 degrees north.
Even Stranger
Astronomer Richard C. Hoagland, who believes NASA has been well aware of many ancient secrets including extremely old ruins on Mars and the moon, says the actual Apollo landings were timed to alignments of Orion. On every manned lunar landing, Orion was in a significant position in the lunar sky. He even claims the first two men on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, held a mystic ritual 33 minutes after landing on the moon involving the consumption of wine. Some believe this amounted to the establishment of a temple to Orion on the moon on July 20, 1969.
Still stranger. In the summer of '94, comet chunks from comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter. Estimates are that events like this happen every 100 thousand years or so. Was this a natural event or a message? The Jupiter comet crash happened over a six day period but the largest chunk of the comet struck Jupiter on July 20th, 1994 - 25 years to the day after the first Apollo landing!
Comet Hale-Bopp is expected to be at its brightest exactly 1000 days after Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter.
I really think someone controlling comets is trying to send us a message.
Did the Soviets Know Something Too?
Thanks again to Richard Hoagland for digging up this old news item on a Soviet picture taking mission to the moon. What is the deal with July 20th? Seems to be a good day for going to the moon or lobbing comets at Jupiter!